Wednesday, April 27, 2011

berjalan mencari bb.

gambar2 sewaktu berhujung minggu di shah alam.
lokasi yang di pergi ialah sacc mall, pas and pkns.
tujuan sebenar untuk mencari bb pearl.
tujuan sampingan untuk mencuci mata or window shopping bahasa mandarinnya.
mai dongxi bahasa englishnya. haha.
pergi berdua, watak kedua selain aku ialah nisa bukan nama sebenar.
tu memang tangan aku yang mulus, tapi abaikan ye. sebab aku nak tunjuk kedai yang buat vc aliff aziz tu.

antara penambah perasa yang ada.

nisa bukan nama sebenar.

hidangan yang dipesan.

lepak big apple pula. setelah tidak berjaya mengejar ally iskandar.


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

i love my pc.

to my dearest ACER,
you are the blackiest pearl shade of colour that i ever seen.
the beautiful among the others.
even you're nothing when comparing to white pure APPLE, but for me you're so much my love one.
you've been true with me from my semester 6.
you helped me a lot with my study, and you always become my company whenever i needed.
you've never been sick, oh i really afraid if i have to give you being touched by other hand.
it's a nightmare for me to think whenever you with other people, they will operate you and change your component.
oh dear, poor you honey.
i still remember the first time that i bought you. you my only thing that i have to use a lot of money just to get you. rm1677, yes that the price.

since then, i love you no matter what happen. i've been choosing you instead of others.
i have to be sincere and loyal to you.
so please my dear don't be blank out of nothing. don't get to slow whenever i open paint and adobe photoshop at the same time.
i'm afraid you doing that during my final.
don't be so harsh when i want to save the file, instead you give me a note that stretch file are fulled.
i don't understand that and it makes me really afraid. don't be so unfriendly with my other favorite 3dmax, autocad and adobe illustrator, i need them too even i need you the most.
please don't get touch by my words, i really care about you and i love you.


Friday, April 15, 2011

ding dang

haha. ingat tak benda ni?
masa kecik2 dulu suka gila beli
dulu 60 sen je tak silap.
dalam dia ada coklat ngan mainan.
mainan tak sama.
tak dapat expect.
that's is why kita suka beli.
dulu aku suka berebut dengan adik aku benda ni
bapak aku suka belikan.
hari2 beli barang kat giant, tiba2 terjumpa benda ni.
teringat nostalgia lama.
beli juga walaupun Nisa cakap eh jangan nak beli benda bukan2 la.
haha. ok what 70sen.


Friday, April 8, 2011

i'm not like you anymore,liverfool.

owh minggu ni ada lagi 3 hari nak ke minggu depan.
isnin ni ada submission.
semua tu penentu aku naik part 7 ke tak.
dah lah minggu depan busy nak mampus.
dengan drama mandarin, thesis, 3d lighting, scrapt book thailand.
bila lah nak cuti puas2.
kumpul duit shopping.
owh berkenanan tajuk itew.
aku memang tak minat bola pun.
nasib bf aku tak minat separuh mati.
sekadar gitew2 je.
jadi good bye liverfool.
aku dah lama lupakan kau.


Sunday, April 3, 2011

hari ini dalam sejarah

hari ini pagi2 lagi dah gaduh dengan bf.
dari pukul 4-6 pagi.
pening kepala.
lepas tu terus tidur.
bangun2 da pukul 3petang.
bangun pun sebab panas. hehe.
xdapat nak tengok melodi pun.
hari ni juga first time cek nuffnang selepas dah berapa bulan tak cek.
amboi sikitnya aku punya duit dalam akaun.
macammana ni nak kumpul duit rm3k setengah dalam masa 3bulan?
nak pergi europe.
nak round london-london.
hehe. wait for me england.
