Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Hello peeps.

Happy February.
Kadang2 kita tak sedar or maybe sedar tapi tak peduli we will spend so much of our time for internet, to be specific to FB or maybe Twitter.
I am one of them.
Sometimes when there's no comment to be reply or read, we just hanging around here and there. Go to wallpost then back to profile.
Stalked other peeps picture, want to comment but afraid if they know you stalked them.
Yela gambar tahun 2010 then you baru tengok, apakejadah baru tengok? Like it suddenly appear on the wall pula kan?
Okay, it was creepy.
I only do it several times okay, not always.
But for me I like to follow or stalk people who look good in fashion.
Rather than just read about the people you adore in magazine, sometimes it's feel good to look them in the internet.
My point is, when I have a free time I like to look around in the FB and adore people life and fashion silently.
Is that sound creepy to you? haha.
But I guess maybe there is someone who also do the same like me, or maybe she like to stalk me too? :P
Whatever it is, thank you for choosing me as your favorite character in your life.

Some pictures for you. :)

Thank you again stranger. Have a nice day.


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