Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Skypark, One City.

“At One City, life won’t come to a halt until we say ‘stop’”

Nampak tak kata-kata hikmah dia? Ha, translate sendiri ye. Sebenarnya bukan nak cerita tentang One City atau Skypark tu sebab aku pun baru naik tingkat 10 tu sekali saja. Cuma aku nak cerita yang aku kerja kat sini buat masa sekarang. Bukan kerja sebagai pelayan dekat restaurant sini tau, bukan yang tu. Tapi office aku dalam bangunan ni, buat masa sekarang. Aku nak cerita lanjut pun susah sebab aku pun faham-faham blur, nak attach link pun nan hado. So aku ringkaskan lah ye.


Since 2005, MCT Consortium Berhad has been realising the dreams of those who dare to dream. The potent blend of our expertise in the property development industry and the continual passion in creating long-lasting structures with dynamic outlook enables us to be at the forefront of the booming scene.

As an aspiring developer, MCT Consortium Berhad is optimistic on being at the lead of the thriving property development scene. Equipped with thorough know-how, profound passion and a team of certified professionals, we are able to create a series of advanced masterworks, all richly entwined with natural elements and environment-friendly approaches. With every single aspect is taken into account, we can assure you that our high quality developments are made to last for generations.

Our Vision

“To be the forefront developer of the future”

Our Mission

“To become a highly trusted brand that delivers excellent quality and innovative development. Equipped with thorough know-how, profound passion and a team of certified professionals, we pay attention to every detail, aiming to create dynamic and sustainable structures that can last for generations.”

Core Values

We are Passionate in building and developing for future.
We strive to uphold our Integrity in delivering advanced masterworks with excellent quality.
We consistently exercise Innovation to produce dynamic and sustainable structures.
Teamwork is the key to success. Effective communication and respect are important in cultivating a productive workforce to deliver exceptional service to our customers.

Ni bangunan akan datang dia, dalam proses.

So yang aku faham lah kan MCT Consortium Berhad dimiliki oleh 3 orang, yang aku kerja ni B&G Concept Engineering SDN. BHD. milik seorang antara 3 orang tu. Faham ke tidak? Dalam masa terdekat MCT Consortium Berhad akan ambil B&G Concept Engineering SDN. BHD. sebagai anak syarikat. So bangunan yang aku kerja ni hak milik MCT Consortium Berhad.



  1. Woah ! Untunglah keje OneCity , nak naik rooftop tu la nanti. Cam ohsem je. Jom su ! :D

    1. Untung tak untung sangat leh. jom lah. org ckp mlm lg cntik. boleh tgk wayang sekali. eh?
